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Eddiesmethod . Eddiesmethod .

The power of adaptation

The goal of any Coach or training program is to improve performance. This is only possible by having the athlete flirt within their current level limits. It can be achieved by exposing the athlete to high percentages in strength, ballistic movements, or high but calculated intensities in aerobic conditioning.

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Eddiesmethod . Eddiesmethod .

Athletic development: expectations

This structured journey, well-suited for athletes in various sports, should underscore that athlete development doesn’t occur within just one or two years.

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Catarina Ramos Pereira Catarina Ramos Pereira


The best way to address overtraining is to prevent it, as once an athlete reaches that state, it can be tough to reverse.

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Eddiesmethod . Eddiesmethod .

What matters in a training program

We must ensure that our training aligns with our specific needs and consider some variables that will impact their prescription for each session.

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Eddiesmethod . Eddiesmethod .

Anaerobic Work

Our energy systems are anaerobic, alactic, lactic, and aerobic. These energy systems overlap in usage; one system doesn’t start immediately after the other finishes.

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