How JP found his training path
“CrossFit is what changed my relationship to sports from hate to love. So when I moved out of London and could no longer join a box I wasn’t sure what to do.
I originally thought I couldn’t train on my own despite my qualifications as Personal Trainer and CF-L2 trainer. I needed to outsource the hard work of programming and harder work of accountability. I turned to Eddie.
I told him: “I don’t want to compete. I’ve hardly ever tracked PB’s, what I want is to keep up the habit of training.”
I wasn’t sure I could find the same drive I did in classes because… Hey… I’d be training on my own.
A year later now, I’ve moved twice more and had the opportunity to rejoin a box and I skipped it. Even if the box was closer to my home than the gym. I don’t just love outsourcing the thinking of my programming to Eddie, I love the whole experience, the training sessions in their cycles, how he will respond to my (sometimes insane) travels, the odd illness or injury and our check-ins.
Oh, and the progress is noteworthy too. It’s easy to focus on the things I still don’t do how I would want to. But I must give the man credit for getting me volume gymnastics on movements I didn’t know I had in me a year ago and PBs on brute strength like deadlift and strict press.
One more thing. You’ve got to make sure you care at least as much as him about your progress and wellbeing. Don’t waste the man’s time. And I say this with love.
Nutrition Coach and CrossFit Level 2 Trainer
Know more about JP’s program here.